Saturday, March 1, 2014


Society is the most important part that deals with electronic media.
In today's world, we have changed and the lifestyle we live now is
totally dependent on machinery and gadgets we use.

There are varieties of social networking sites which influence us and attract
us towards them. They are so well presented that we think that it is of
use to us. These sites are just letting us indulge in stressful
activities which not only lead towards serious health problems but also
disorientation in working environment.

The following video will help us know about the influence of electronic media on society:

(Media Literacy Assignment, 2010 October 25)


After watching the video, please do think that how deeply our daily-lives are
being affected and captured by these gadgets and types of media which
were made to provide knowledge to our society and help us communicate
with others.


Media Literacy Assignment (2010, October 25). Influence of
Electronic Media on Society [Video file]. Retrieved from


  1. I think we are addicted to electronic media in our day-to-day life. Like if tomorrow, I lost my phone, God knows, what I'm gonna do without it ?

  2. I feel that we are totally dependent on these devices because for every work we need our phone or laptop. Even for entertainment we need play play-stations, video games, etc.
