Friday, February 28, 2014


Electronic Media these days has become a very essential part of our lives. Not only in business world but also in our daily lives too, it has a great importance. Every generation from a small child to geriatric people use this type of media in their daily lives. 

Electronic Media is a type of media which not only helps in communication, but also provides information regarding business world, current affairs and latest news and latest trends in society. According to me, in today's business world each individual should not only have the knowledge of how to use a computer or mobile phone, but also how to implement detail functioning of its various functions. There are many excellent and deficient purposes of Electronic Media. 

In business world, this media is considered to be the most powerful media. As it not only promotes the business but also gives reviews and ideas about a particular business concept. People in old centuries were not that much aware about business plans. But, these days all are interested in owning a business. For example: a man who wants to invest money in stock market these days, don't need to hire or take appointments from a agent. Though, they get all information from the media regarding the stock exchange and even the experts conduct seminars and shows on television. Even through E-papers people get information about the business world.

Though, it has so many likes and dislikes, still it plays a very vital role in our lives. We now-a-days have become a puppet by these new developing technologies. Even in our office we are so indulged in these gadgets that, we even forget that we are not allowed to use these during the work time and we still keep on doing social networking.

I hope after reading this article, you will get some idea about Electronic Media.

1 comment:

  1. true we are totally dependent on media. it gives lot of information about media that i did not know. it is really helpful.
